Radio, the Culprit, Dan Krimm
Subject: All-Advertising Radio Station
WWAX, out of Hermantown, Minnesota (near Duluth), was reported
recently by Marketing News as launching a new format with "all
ads, all the time." If this isn't an indication that the music is increasingly irrelevant to
radio, I don't know what is.
There are certainly some real candidates for in-house
consumer/advertising music radio production. Either radio networks or
radio programming syndicators (such as MJI in pop radio) can bring
content production in-house, or else business-music service providers such as
AEI and
3M Media
who provide in-house produced music content for businesses ("elevator music"
etc.) could begin to address the consumer/advertising market.
Eventually, someone is going to jump on this opportunity, and if the
record companies aren't ready for it, they'll be scrambling for a while to
develop the online channels, such as the catalogs
mentioned on this site.
-- Dan Krimm
posted 7/20/96