Radio, the Culprit, Dan Krimm
Pirate Radio
While mainstream, commercial radio does not offer the
listener a wide variety of music, there is an alternative.
That of pirate radio. While currently illegal, there is a
standstill on behalf of the FCC to shuting down small
pirate stations due to a lawsuit that has been filed. In
many communities across the country pirate radio stations
are poping up and bombarding the listener with true sonic
alternatives to the norm. Portland, OR has a new station
that can be heard virtually all over the city. In NYC
there are people in the squats who broadcast to the lower
east side. Of course, the commercial stations are none too
happy that these stations are taking away their listeners
while not paying any fees to the FCC. Check it out,
though, there's probably one on your dial somewhere,
espescially if you live in a city, or urban area.
-- Tim Andrews
posted 11/29/96