Radio, the Culprit
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't mainstream be
the same thing as "SOCIETY"? Well, that's the
Problem right there, "SOCIETY". Society tells
people how to live, what to do and what to say.
Society also tells people what is right and wrong,
and as far as Society is concerned certain things
aren't acceptable. Well, that needs to be changed
and one way to do that is for people to quit
listening to what society says and do as they wish.
If people would do this then no one would have to
change themselves just to make everyone else happy.
This way people can actually earn a living doing
what they believe in and what they think is right.
People are so worried about making someone else
happy that they lose track of themselves and this is
how society gets all the power they have. Well, I
say it's time for change and time for us to take
back the power.
-- Robert
posted 10/04/97