Traditionalism, the Obstacle
Thanks for the site
I stumbled across your site today and was pleased by it.
I was a "bluegrass" bassist for a few years and the band I achieved a bit of recognition. We were a little different, not as outside as New Grass Revival, but still unusual. I no longer play bluegrass as it became an entity unto itself. If you weren't playing what was classified "bluegrass", then you weren't invited to many shows, and were shut out by many old time fans.
I really enjoy acoustic music, and revel in what Bela Fleck, Jerry Douglas, and Mark O'Connor do, but it became very difficult for me to bring friends to bluegrass concerts as all they heard was "Theme from the Beverly Hillbillies."
I applaud your site, as I feel strongly that there are too many barriers in music. I love music as it has always been about the lack a barriers. The ability of people from all over the world to communicate in a meaningful way.
Please let me know what I can do to help.
-- Oz Barron
posted 1/5/98