Radio, the Culprit
One hit wonder or style over substance.
Being a former musician and rabid music fan (still am)
I have found a disturbing trend appearing in the
Over the past 8 years music has become a shadow
of its former self. With the exception of a few
bands i.e. TOOL,KORN,COAL CHAMBER,PANTERA and others
radio has settled for the "ONE HIT WONDER".
It seems that no matter what station I listen to
the same song is played 400,000,000,000 times in
one hour. Some of you may enjoy hearing it but
repetition breeds bordom.
Has this ever happened to you? You're driving in
your car and a certain song comes on; "GOT NO
TALENT" by DYOA (Depressed Youth Of America).
Different station, same song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's have more substance and return radio and
music to its former glory.
-- Mark Beaudet
posted 3/22/98